Browsing: Fun


Why is it so hilarious to watch others fail? Firstly, there’s the element of surprise. You never know what someone might attempt, from the audacious to the absurd. Then there’s the relatability factor. We’ve all been there – trying something new and bold, just to fail miserably. But perhaps the main appeal of failure comedy


Kate Middleton has been the subject of social media conspiracy theories since she disappeared from the public eye since Christmas. Little has been known about the Princess of Wales after she underwent a scheduled abdominal surgery due to an undisclosed medical condition, leading many people to wonder where one of the highest-profile women in the


Tired of feeling like a rabbit every time you reach for a plate? Say no to kale and liberate yourself from the tyranny of leafy greens! By avoiding kale, you’ll save both your taste buds and your wallet, steering clear of the enviable glares of kale enthusiasts and dodging those unsolicited lectures about the benefits


Elisabeth McNair, a cartoonist and graphic designer, has been drawing since childhood, using humor to record her observations of the foibles and frailties of human nature. In 2018, she fulfilled a dream by selling her first cartoon to The New Yorker. She lives in Atlanta with her husband, cat, and dog. Scroll down to check


Poking fun at horrible British teeth will never not be funny. The creature in this British fish meme is a real fish, it’s not photoshopped. It’s called sheepshead fish. In order to break through the hard shells, sheepshead use their uniquely strong teeth. Sheepshead teeth look eerily like human teeth, and perform the same function


If you are someone who often finds themselves lost in thought and enjoys gazing at the sky, imagining that those fluffy clouds resemble something familiar, then you’re in the right place. Mexican digital artist Monse Ascencio is the creative mind behind these cute and funny drawings on clouds. Scroll down to check out the best


Death and resurrection may not be the most traumatizing thing about Easter, and contrary to popular belief, a man in a bunny suit and small children are not always a good match. Everything about these awkward Easter family photos is wrong. And the poor kids can feel it. Note to parents: please don’t make Easter