Browsing: Pets

With Britain’s post-pandemic dog population having increased by at least 10 per cent to more than 11 million, I may be at the extreme end of cynophilia, but I doubt I’m alone. Canine life expectancy varies by breed: according to The Journal of Small Animal Practice, Cardigan Welsh corgis boast the longest odds, with us

As a small business owner who is often called on at short notice (McKeever runs Pure Lakes Skincare and employs Rennie as a cleaner), the sharing arrangement has worked out well. “Today, for instance, I have to be in the workshop and obviously as a skincare manufacturer we can’t have dogs in there, so I’ve

There are exceptions, of course: “Some dogs with shorter coats, or certain breeds such as whippets, can get cold in winter, so they might appreciate a coat when it gets chilly,” advises Telegraph vet Pete Wedderburn. “Equally, I know some dogs who absolutely love being the centre of attention and who enjoy nothing more than

During the pandemic pup-surge, 11 per cent of British households bought a dog, giving us 3.2 million extra canines. At its peak, the price of a cockapoo went up to £3,500. Owners then need to fork out for food (anything between £300 and £2,000 a year and rising, especially if, like my dog, their pets insist

“While other people in the office have their kids as their phone wallpaper, mine’s the dog, and my camera roll is full of pictures of him,” she says. “It would be nice to have kids, but at the time we lived in a small flat and now we can’t afford to. I do think the

Where once my life was filled with books and art and writing, even a bit of travelling, there is now wet fur and noses, jabbing paws, thumping tails and barely any travelling because who-will-look-after-the-bloody-dogs? I have to admit to the following: I spend an insane amount of time with beings that bark. And there are three

Single-coated canines, such as Yorkshire terriers, greyhounds, Maltese, pugs and some labradoodles, should be trimmed back to no less than one inch thick, for sufficient protection from the sun and insects. Trimming their paw hair can help a little, too, as the only sweat glands dogs have are in their paw pads. This is best done

“We do this twice a week,” says Thompson, who is leaning on the gate by my side with his partner, Victoria. “It’s a desensitising exercise, and we try to do it in six different locations around the farm.” Six is a magic word for Thompson, who has a rule that anything you teach a dog

Affectionately known locally as ‘The Clumps’, the site is owned and managed by Earth Trust, which cares for 500 hectares of woodland, farmland, wildflower meadows and wetlands – including the ancient hillfort Castle Hill, a scheduled ancient monument.Roman Britain was known across the empire for its hunting dogs, which were often exported. They were cross-bred

A seven-year-old girl playing in a Liverpool park was rushed to hospital on Monday with severe injuries after being mauled by a dog. She, unlike others, has escaped alive – though horrendously harmed. Last year Britain experienced the highest level of fatal dog attacks in four decades. The vast majority of these deaths were caused